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Conversion to Christ (Spanish)

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Conversion to Christ (Spanish Language) (SOLD OUT)
Lent Reflections by Pope Francis, St. Mother Teresa & Fr. Henri Nouwen

Each year during Lent we are invited to deepen our commitment to Christ and to his community the Church. Through our various disciplines of scripture reading, prayer, fasting, almsgiving and service to the poor and others in need, we deepen our discipleship—following Jesus more closely and continuing his mission to build God’s kingdom now in ourselves, our families and our communities. In this booklet we will be lead by three of the Church's most well-known spiritual guides, leading us through insightful daily reflection as we are led ever deeper into the mystery of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
Also Avavilable in English (25-341)

5-3/8 x 8-3/8 | 32 pages | click here for a PDF sample

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